The Invitation Movement is comprised of believers in the God of the Bible who have come together from every ethnicity and across every line that divides us. We have accepted God's invitation to meet Him where He is working to save our nation. Our focus is on true healing, peace and justice for all in the United States and throughout the world. We invite you, no matter who you are or where you are from, to join us.
The Invitation Movement is facilitated by The Truth In The Spirit, a Messianic Apostolic Assembly of believers in Messiah Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) from all walks of life, ethnicities and religious experiences to transform communities.
The National Coordinator of the Invitation Movement is Apostle Markita Brooks, who also founded and leads The Truth In The Spirit. She is a wife, mother, grandmother, ordained minister, published author, CEO and influencer.
We have a National Team that oversees this entire movement. However, we also have teams in various cities throughout the USA to advance the movement locally. Contact us to join our Team!
We believe in the God of the Bible, as He reveals Himself through the Bible and His Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is the divinely inspired Word of God. As such, it is the narrative, or story, of God and His creation. Hence, it is our standard for justice, peace and healing. It also guides our strategies, interactions and lifestyles.
We believe that Israel has been chosen by God to capture His narrative and share it with the world. This is a tremendous responsibility that Israel has carried for millennia, and the entire world has been blessed. We do not believe it is possible to truly understand and apply God’s narrative in the Bible apart from Israel. For this reason, we stand with and support Israel.
We believe that names and ethnicity are essential to identity and one’s story. Hence, we seek to understand and stand with people of all ethnicities and refer to individuals and groups by their original names or names of choice. This includes God and His Son, our Messiah. For this reason, we refer to God and our Messiah according to their names in the Hebrew language.
We believe that God created all things and gave dominion on earth to humanity. Yet the sin of all humanity has led to destruction on earth and in our relationships with each other.
We believe that all people are sinful and destructive apart from God. However, all people can be redeemed from the consequences of sin, as expressed in the Bible, and become good stewards over the earth and our relationships with each other but only through a personal and intimate relationship with God through Messiah Yeshua.
We believe that God extended an invitation to everyone in the world to be reconciled to Him and each other through salvation in His Son, Messiah Yeshua.
We believe that we are His ambassadors on earth continuing to extend this invitation on His behalf.